GM SET Automotive Trainer


To place an order, please call (208) 733-5636 or send us an email at


The GM SET Trainer is designed as a hands-on training aid for instructing students in building and troubleshooting electronic circuits. Using the provided Modules (like a Hazard Switch, Fused On-Off Switch, Relay, Sunload Sensor, etc.), the student can learn how the components interact within a circuit. The GM SET Trainer includes a 3/16” white acrylic peg board work top, mounted on a slanted metal enclosure for desk or tabletop use. The output banana jacks are mounted on the sides of the work top, and include (3) 12VDC jacks, (2) 5VDC jacks, (2) 12VAC test points, and (5) ground jacks. The hinged work top opens to reveal our customized Power Supply and the storage area for the GM Trainer’s 26 Specialty Modules and 24 Test Leads.


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