PLC Trainer


To place an order, please call (208) 733-5636 or send us an email at


PLCs are specialized computers that use inputs and outputs to control equipment in an industrial facility. PLCs can be used to control a small piece of equipment to entire processing lines. They can be simple with a few I/O (inputs and outputs) or they can be mounted in rack systems with thousands of I/O in a SCADA (supervisor control and data acquisition) system.

A PLC consists of a processor unit (CPU), a power supply, a unit to store the memory, a platform to interface with the inputs and outputs and then a communication device.

PLCs can be programmed with ladder logic or with more sophisticated proprietary languages PLCs can interpret discrete and analog signals. Discrete signals come from sensors and switches. Analog signals can be from instrumentation that measures pressure or temperature.
The trainer comes with a manual that describes what PLCs are and how they function. Also in the manual are hands-on exercises to reinforce the concepts and give students an understanding of real-world applications.


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